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Monday, 1 January 2007

- unique mix of astronomy and love

Written 2005 - (54 lines)

This poem was inspired by seeing photos of
astronomers call
colliding galaxies,
that is,
galaxies that are close enough in space
to become
gravitationally attracted to each other and, if conditions
are right, they will eventually merge.

It struck me how similar the situation is here on Earth when two
meet and are, well,
attracted to each other.
Just like those galaxies, so do we humans gravitate towards each other...

If you would like to see some photos of c
olliding galaxies yourself,

any search engine will quickly overwhelm you with amazing sights.

lifelessness of empty space

............................................................................loveliness of a young girl's face
endlessness of eternal gloom
.....................................................................resurrection from the internal tomb
..theories i don't believe
.............................................................................fairy eyes that won't deceive
...facts i cannot understand
actors in love's wonderland
forever fine-tuning the latest tools
.................................................................on earth as in heaven, gravity rules craft of knowledge on the edge of control my restless bleeding soul
......whispering common sense: beware!
................................................................from black holes of intense despair
.......distant burning worlds of light
....................................................................laughter turning words to flight
........light years of listening for life out there
........................................................................galactic halo of flowing hair
.........terrestrials raise their short arms and preach
...................................................................celestial body within my reach
..........dimensions far beyond my grasp
vibrations of a researching clasp
probes of thoughts that did escape
...........................................................capsuled spring of perfected shape
............orbits of recurring fears
...................................................................soft comforting hemispheres
.............weightless mind only once in a while
.......................................................cosmic rays from an attractive smile
..............constellations of surprise
.....................................................photons beamed from sparkling eyes
...............observations of relative certainty
.......................................................doubt seems an absolute absurdity
................appearance of a nova's flare
.................................................................assurance of a lover's care
.................silver dwarfs that shudder and shrink
..........................................bewildered brain, there is no need to think
...................golden giants that boast and swell
....................................................nuclear reactions within every cell
.....................redshifts of chances forever gone
...............................................visions of all that we have not done
.......................spectral analysis of time's hollow ghost
..............................................timeless beauty breathing so close
.........................imagination near total eclipse
.............................................freshness of eager trembling lips
............................ceaselessly scanning telescopes
...............................................colliding galaxies of hopes me something i can define
............................................mental quasars give the sign
...................................reflecting true, refracting false
...............................detecting clues in your frantic pulse
.......................................illusions of a future, allusions to the past's here and now nature, oh fusion at last
..............................................anything missed?
...........................................when first we kissed!

............................. Copyright © 2005 - IBRAHEEM (O.E.H.Johansen) - All Rights Reserved

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